9 James Street South | Forest, Ontario N0N 1J0 | Phone: (519) 786-2401 | Email: office@dennings.ca

Tribute Wall
Shirley Dobbie Brouwer posted a condolence
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Linda was a cousin of mine through my mother Bessie Gilliard Dobbie. I remember her as a young child starting school at Jura. I would have been in either grade 7 or 8 at the time. Sad to hear of her passing. Condolences to the family.
Liz Zavitz posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
I am a sister of Linda and on behalf of myself and my husband Bill and my sons Bill and Shaynne and family...and Bob and Amanda and family...I would like to share my memories of Linda she worked hard all of her life...she did physical work not operating machinery...she and Mel had many years together..Linda had a sense of humor that you had to know her to understand it...Mel knew how to push her buttons knowing the reactions he would get..he did the same thing with my sister Pat and when I was still there he did it to me as well..and always had to bring up we are Irish well I can say I'm proud of our Irish heritage and yes we are survivors..Linda missed Mel alot she was one to hold her feelings inside something she always did...we called each other and I am proud she was my sister and my friend and I am so deeply sorry to loose her...I will never hear her voice ..her laugh or her opinion...Linda didn't have a filter she thought it and it came out...Linda was kind and caring and she gave the best hugs...I will miss those hugs..I am so sorry I wasn't there as she came to the end of her life she wanted to live so much I didn't know how ill she was...I have memories of so many years ...I am thankful that Linda got to travel to many places with the group of friends something she truly enjoyed and I loved hearing about all of them...I know she thought the world of Aaron and Jesse Hayter and knew them all of their lives...Linda had alot of set backs with her health knee surgery..hip surgery..foot surgery and more she dealt with alot...I know when Linda accepted the Lord into her life and would ask me to go to church at times and I did she accepted the Lord into her heart and believed he was her personal savior.....and he that believes in our Lord Jesus Christ and our savior shall have everlasting life...I know some may think differently but once your the Lords it's forever doesn't mean we don't sin ..we are human and we ask forgiveness...I want to take this time to thank my sister Pat my nephew Rob and Kim and family ..Linda's friend Irene ..Aaron and Jesse Hayter and Bud for all they did for my sister Linda I know how much you all meant to her and I am truly grateful for the help and the love and friendship you gave her.....now to go on from here I don't know how to say bye Linda I just can't say that..what I can say is Linda I love you and I always will and so will my sons they both love you dearly ...you and I had a strange and unique relationship ..you were strange and I'm unique....I know you didn't like blubbering and tears but my heart hurts and I'm terribly sad so there have been many tears and blubbering because it hurts so much...RIP my sister my friend you will be missed and never forgotten I love..you Linda..always Babe (Liz)
Jim & Paul Augustine posted a condolence
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
To the Family: We, the Augustine Family are saddened to hear of Linda's passing. Please accept our condolences at this time.
Jan Sharpe posted a condolence
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
So sorry to hear of Linda's passing. We would have chats at the corner mail box from time to time. Always a smile and laugh. Jan Sharpe
The family of Linda Jean Nutt uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 10, 2024

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